(805) 526-7351 Ventura and Los Angeles Counties
(805) 526-7351 Ventura and Los Angeles Counties
Over the last two decades, the popularity of Living Trusts has skyrocketed. No longer a tool just for the rich, setting up a Living Trust is one of the most common estate planning tools in use today.
This legal arrangement, usually drafted by an estate attorney, paralegal or legal document assistant, creates a separate entity called a Living Trust. A Living Trust is called that simply because it is created while you are alive (as opposed to a "testamentary" trust created after death).
The By The People™ Document Preparation Center Living Trust Agreement is signed by you, the Settlor, and defines the duties and responsibilities of the trustee to manage property transferred to the Living Trust and to distribute the property after your death according to your instructions.
In the By The People™ Document Preparation Center Living Trust, you serve as the trustee while you are alive and competent. If you die or are unable to serve for any reason, a successor trustee designated by you steps in to serve. The Living Trust is revocable and may be terminated at your direction while you are alive and competent.
County Recorder fees and Dept of Housing fees are not included when setting up a living trust
Includes a Preliminary Change of Ownership
Original Title and Registration required
Includes a Preliminary Change of Ownership
Non California Deed
Certified Death Certificate is Required. Includes a Preliminary Change of Ownership.
Includes trust amendment, codicil (2) and Powers of Attorney (2).
Includes trust amendment, codicil and Powers of Attorney.
Amends your entire trust with a new updated document and keeping the original name.
County Recorder fees are not included for Grant Deed California
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